XenTegra - AVD Monthly + Nerdio

AVD Monthly: June 2022 Updates

XenTegra / Andy Whiteside / Pete Downing Season 1 Episode 17

These sessions discuss the following topics, blogs, and support articles: What's new in Azure Virtual Desktop?

Azure Virtual Desktop updates on a regular basis. This article is where you'll find out about:

  • The latest updates
  • New features
  • Improvements to existing features
  • Bug fixes

This article is updated monthly. Make sure to check back here often to keep up with new updates.

Host: Andy Whiteside
Co-Host: Vadim Vladimirskiy
Co-Host: Greg Roberson


00:00:03.149 --> 00:00:11.040
Andy Whiteside: Everyone and welcome to episode 17 of abt monthly i'm your host Andy whiteside got a good group of folks with me i've got.

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Andy Whiteside: The Dean Vladimir ski or from Nordea who is really our superstar subject matter experts.

00:00:17.880 --> 00:00:31.050
Andy Whiteside: But backing him up as a Greg roberson also from nerdy Oh, and if you don't know, an audio is it's a technology that takes Microsoft related in user computing but he has been doing this for years i'll ask him to just recap that briefly.

00:00:31.650 --> 00:00:42.660
Andy Whiteside: But takes the Microsoft stack and takes it to another level, specifically in today's world around as your virtual desktop, also known as add formerly known as windows virtual desktop so Vadim.

00:00:43.320 --> 00:00:47.610
Andy Whiteside: We talked earlier about some service now, and nor do stuff but good to have you on again how are you.

00:00:48.240 --> 00:00:50.250
Vadim Vladimirskiy: Good to be here i'm doing well Andy how are you.

00:00:51.240 --> 00:01:04.260
Andy Whiteside: i'm good at something a while ago, asked me if I was busy will ask him, first, he was busy, he said, you know nah and really I knew he is right, but in our world, this technology world you're pretty much always busy it's just how you choose the answer that question.

00:01:05.670 --> 00:01:08.310
Vadim Vladimirskiy: it's true it's hard to say you're not right yeah.

00:01:08.400 --> 00:01:11.010
Andy Whiteside: If you're not doing something wrong, but you got a great job somehow.

00:01:12.570 --> 00:01:16.470
Andy Whiteside: i'm data you travel a lot of your anywhere special or you're actually home.

00:01:17.460 --> 00:01:28.530
Vadim Vladimirskiy: I am actually in my home office today so it's it's nice actually be at my desk with my two big monitors in front of me, so I am working working from home today so.

00:01:28.590 --> 00:01:33.870
Andy Whiteside: that's an interesting topics I just went back and one of my sales guys rooms and he's been he didn't have his Doc with him.

00:01:34.200 --> 00:01:41.100
Andy Whiteside: At the new desk he's working at and i'm like why and he's like well I don't need it right now and i'm like how are you sitting on that laptop getting productivity done.

00:01:41.370 --> 00:01:46.710
Andy Whiteside: At the rate, I need you to get it done and the truth is he's a generation Z guy and he's awesome.

00:01:47.130 --> 00:01:57.540
Andy Whiteside: At the same time that world where he's older and he needs the big screens and he needs the big keyboard and the big mouse that in caught up with him, yet so where he can be effective without it.

00:01:59.160 --> 00:02:12.480
Vadim Vladimirskiy: yeah no I definitely feel the lack of productivity when i'm working on the road, I usually travel with with an iPad one of those keyboards and you know touchpads attached to it that's sort of my mobile device.

00:02:12.900 --> 00:02:20.160
Vadim Vladimirskiy: i'm pretty fast and efficient on it, but there's definitely a category of tasks I set aside to do when i'm back at the desk.

00:02:21.150 --> 00:02:33.360
Andy Whiteside: And if you're like me when you fly I don't know I just can't bring myself to fly first class I don't want to spend the money some crunched in the emergency row, at best, trying to get work done a little laptop or big laptop, which is part of myself.

00:02:35.340 --> 00:02:36.240
Andy Whiteside: Greg how's it going.

00:02:40.650 --> 00:02:41.550
Greg groberson@getnerdio.com: it's going quite well.

00:02:42.750 --> 00:02:44.670
Greg groberson@getnerdio.com: just got back into the office myself this week.

00:02:45.540 --> 00:02:49.080
Andy Whiteside: Now, when you say Office, do you mean Home Office or do you mean office office.

00:02:49.740 --> 00:02:53.250
Greg groberson@getnerdio.com: Home Office i've worked from Home Office for almost 20 years now.

00:02:53.610 --> 00:02:58.380
Andy Whiteside: yeah and the team, when you said Office did you mean Home Office or do you mean office office.

00:02:58.740 --> 00:03:00.330
Vadim Vladimirskiy: Home Office office.

00:03:01.290 --> 00:03:10.620
Andy Whiteside: Now I think it's interesting because people that work in the technology vendor world we haven't been in offices in a really long time if ever, the whole world's working like us now.

00:03:11.340 --> 00:03:20.610
Vadim Vladimirskiy: We just wouldn't admit to it right, they would never say i'm working from home today now you know everyone's working from home, so no no shame in the middle of midnight.

00:03:21.630 --> 00:03:26.910
Andy Whiteside: And the only thing is like now, we have these virtual backgrounds, you know I literally I swear this is true.

00:03:28.290 --> 00:03:38.160
Andy Whiteside: friend of mine really who works for another vendor I mean his his dirty towels hanging in the background and a meeting one time was like hey can you take that down if he looks horrible.

00:03:40.020 --> 00:03:47.490
Vadim Vladimirskiy: yeah yeah those virtual backgrounds are definitely a lifesaver when you don't want everyone knowing what's going on behind you yeah.

00:03:48.840 --> 00:03:59.010
Andy Whiteside: Well today's topic, as always, is the latest with add, so I pulled up the June updates, which was only three and we can go into as much detail as you want, and then we're going to jump into.

00:03:59.430 --> 00:04:05.010
Andy Whiteside: The parallel things that have happened in the world of nerdy oh in that same time period, but I want to ask you guys.

00:04:05.340 --> 00:04:18.480
Andy Whiteside: Is the fact that there's only three things to talk about here is that a sign that Microsoft is slowing down that they've solved all the problems, why why only three are they less interested, then they were.

00:04:20.010 --> 00:04:27.150
Vadim Vladimirskiy: Well, I don't think so I don't think it's a sign of them slowing down, it may be a sign of the time of year.

00:04:27.540 --> 00:04:35.610
Vadim Vladimirskiy: just given you know, the end of the fiscal year being just just being you know, over a new fiscal year started, maybe it's related to that.

00:04:36.150 --> 00:04:47.400
Vadim Vladimirskiy: But I definitely know there's a lots of other things that are in the works, so I wouldn't I wouldn't take this as an indication of them slowing down and innovating the DVD Greg, would you agree.

00:04:48.000 --> 00:04:52.230
Greg groberson@getnerdio.com: I would totally agree, especially with it being marshalls into year.

00:04:53.250 --> 00:04:54.600
Greg groberson@getnerdio.com: everybody's taking a deep breath.

00:04:55.650 --> 00:04:59.280
Greg groberson@getnerdio.com: For the past year before they get started on this new one here in the next week or so.

00:05:00.360 --> 00:05:07.620
Andy Whiteside: And i'll highlight for our listeners coming from you two guys that's that's probably very accurate because Microsoft truly does see know do as.

00:05:07.830 --> 00:05:16.650
Andy Whiteside: An extension of their capabilities, so I know you guys can't go into detail about what they've got coming, but if they've got stuff coming as you indicated, you would be the guys to know.

00:05:19.050 --> 00:05:20.430
Vadim Vladimirskiy: Their stuff in the works.

00:05:21.570 --> 00:05:23.190
Greg groberson@getnerdio.com: I wouldn't know I can't I can't do it.

00:05:24.600 --> 00:05:25.830
Andy Whiteside: i'd have to shoot you and that'd be.

00:05:26.940 --> 00:05:27.480
Greg groberson@getnerdio.com: Exactly.

00:05:27.900 --> 00:05:43.800
Andy Whiteside: Alright, so here's what changed in June 23 that's that's exactly how it says it Australia metadata service in public preview we've probably talked about metadata in the past, but what does this mean just in general, and then I guess it's important that our friends from down under heaven.

00:05:45.840 --> 00:05:59.490
Vadim Vladimirskiy: yeah so some metadata is basically all of the azure objects and resources that are used by the add service to you know to sort of operate.

00:05:59.940 --> 00:06:12.360
Vadim Vladimirskiy: operate a vm you know that the as a virtual desktop vm so it's things like workspace objects things like ad groups and session host registrations right all of the metadata.

00:06:12.960 --> 00:06:17.340
Vadim Vladimirskiy: That that describes the actual vm that are serving up the desktop.

00:06:17.850 --> 00:06:26.190
Vadim Vladimirskiy: And initially when when web the launched metadata locations were limited to the US and then slowly they expanded to Europe.

00:06:26.460 --> 00:06:42.510
Vadim Vladimirskiy: And now you know they're expanding into other geographies and that's important for customers who have regulatory reasons to keep their data and their metadata within a specific region or a specific geography so Australia is the new one on the list.

00:06:43.110 --> 00:06:52.350
Vadim Vladimirskiy: it's launched in public preview now one question we get asked often is there a migration path like can you go from if you're in Australia and customer and you.

00:06:52.890 --> 00:07:01.680
Vadim Vladimirskiy: deployed add in the US geography with metadata in the US geography, can you migrate metadata and, as far as I know, i'm Greg Maybe you can.

00:07:02.250 --> 00:07:15.240
Vadim Vladimirskiy: Tell otherwise, but as far as I know, there is not a way to do that, you can have to deploy another workspace and migrate to the yams into it so so that's kind of unfortunate but, but it is really not that big of a deal.

00:07:16.560 --> 00:07:23.520
Vadim Vladimirskiy: Where the metadata is other than for compliance data residency reasons doesn't affect performance or anything like that.

00:07:25.320 --> 00:07:36.450
Andy Whiteside: And I was scrolling down I knew this was a topic we covered before the previous topic was around Japan, so you guys know off top your head the countries are continents that now have localized metadata.

00:07:37.530 --> 00:07:41.070
Greg groberson@getnerdio.com: it'll be Australia, the US and.

00:07:42.180 --> 00:07:47.040
Greg groberson@getnerdio.com: Europe right now there's Europe and then there's I believe Germany as well.

00:07:48.390 --> 00:07:51.300
Andy Whiteside: Japan was one of the covered in May, said that when I guess the list, at least in.

00:07:51.300 --> 00:07:51.660

00:07:52.980 --> 00:07:54.180
Andy Whiteside: yeah okay.

00:07:54.240 --> 00:08:05.700
Vadim Vladimirskiy: So I mean, I think, eventually, it will it will come to all geographies probably in most of them now, so you know it's just a natural evolution about over growing service and azure yeah.

00:08:06.840 --> 00:08:09.660
Andy Whiteside: Is there anything on the video side of the equation that.

00:08:11.010 --> 00:08:12.780
Andy Whiteside: That helps get the metadata or you just alone.

00:08:12.930 --> 00:08:29.700
Vadim Vladimirskiy: um yeah a couple of things to mention on the video side whenever Microsoft launches a new metadata geography becomes automatically available so customers can can see it and can deploy into it from within their new manager and then in 30 a manager, we also have.

00:08:31.440 --> 00:08:42.180
Vadim Vladimirskiy: functionality that's often used for migration so initially we created it to help customers migrate from what was called the fall release or the wv classic.

00:08:42.600 --> 00:08:47.880
Vadim Vladimirskiy: To the what was called the spring release or the current version of web, or even the arm.

00:08:48.390 --> 00:08:56.820
Vadim Vladimirskiy: And we have a method to help customers, create a new workspace and then move host bull configurations and even vm from one to the other.

00:08:57.240 --> 00:09:07.740
Vadim Vladimirskiy: and occasionally customers who want to take advantage of the new data data geography and actually migrate workloads into it, they use our migration functionality to do that.

00:09:09.480 --> 00:09:10.650
Andy Whiteside: that's pretty powerful excellent.

00:09:13.230 --> 00:09:28.950
Andy Whiteside: Okay, our next topic on here says into user configuration for windows 11 enterprise multi session the thumbs in public preview so as you guys know and hopefully our listeners know multi user configurations is a very important thing does INTEGRA and Nordea.

00:09:30.450 --> 00:09:36.750
Andy Whiteside: What is this gaining us by having in tune play along with windows 11 enterprise multi session.

00:09:38.070 --> 00:09:47.790
Vadim Vladimirskiy: So you know into and as, as we all know, is an endpoint management solution that lets you kind of manage the configuration of devices and users.

00:09:48.930 --> 00:10:01.740
Vadim Vladimirskiy: It was supported for single session desktops for a while now in add where you could you know deploy policies and applications and target them to both devices right vm.

00:10:02.340 --> 00:10:16.470
Vadim Vladimirskiy: or individual users and now in a single session or a single user deployment a device equals a user because there's even one user per device, so any anytime you target the user it knows which device it's supposed to go to.

00:10:17.220 --> 00:10:27.870
Vadim Vladimirskiy: In a multi session environment, you have sort of this extra level of complexity, where you have a device that's shared by users and not in a permanent way because they could be sharing.

00:10:28.260 --> 00:10:34.980
Vadim Vladimirskiy: A different device in some other time so and another day when they log in, so this is pretty significant This allows.

00:10:35.370 --> 00:10:46.500
Vadim Vladimirskiy: Customers that are using in tune to manage their endpoints whether those are physical endpoints you know cloud PCs or add personal to now manage.

00:10:47.190 --> 00:11:05.910
Vadim Vladimirskiy: Add multi session environments and targets policies and and you know certificates and scripts to run within the user context, which means it could run in different devices and different days, depending on where the user is logged in during that particular session.

00:11:07.620 --> 00:11:09.000
Andy Whiteside: Greg any additional comments on that.

00:11:13.470 --> 00:11:15.600
Greg groberson@getnerdio.com: was a pretty solid walkthrough.

00:11:16.830 --> 00:11:30.450
Andy Whiteside: yeah I think I would highlight that for most people I don't think companies, especially coming out of like the citrix world where you have all these like machine creation service golden master images, the power of having.

00:11:31.770 --> 00:11:41.400
Andy Whiteside: managed persistent machines potentially managed by in-tune is an extremely eXtensible and scalable way to do desktop virtualization.

00:11:42.060 --> 00:11:51.090
Andy Whiteside: You ideally want ideal world where rebooting gold image every time but for a lot of organizations that's that's just not reality for all other users, it might be for a subset large or small.

00:11:51.900 --> 00:12:03.450
Andy Whiteside: But the ability to understand and leverage in tune for both the middle PC the virtual desktop if you will multi session desktop, if you will, or the endpoint is really a pretty powerful Indian story.

00:12:08.070 --> 00:12:15.870
Andy Whiteside: anything in the nerdy or world that ties into this particular topic and how nerve do benefits and can make this even better.

00:12:17.550 --> 00:12:23.670
Vadim Vladimirskiy: yeah a couple things to mention from there do side, I mean we we do have integrations with into.

00:12:24.120 --> 00:12:31.740
Vadim Vladimirskiy: In a couple of our products, you know with our Nordea manager for enterprise, we integrate with in tune to help with cloud PC management.

00:12:32.220 --> 00:12:44.280
Vadim Vladimirskiy: And then in our dirty manager for MSP product we actually have a full stack integration within tune that can do you know policies and application installs and scripted actions and.

00:12:44.640 --> 00:13:02.640
Vadim Vladimirskiy: All sorts of internal capabilities can be leveraged through Nordea manager and having this support for multi session vm just sort of expands the capabilities of what intern can do and what our MSP partners can do on behalf of their customers through interview manager.

00:13:03.810 --> 00:13:12.720
Andy Whiteside: But what do you guys seeing in your MSP partner, so the people that use nerve to to manage small to medium customers are they taking advantage of multi session desktops.

00:13:12.870 --> 00:13:13.620
Vadim Vladimirskiy: or they yeah.

00:13:13.710 --> 00:13:24.600
Vadim Vladimirskiy: They are yeah primarily they're taking the taking advantage of multi session desktops and now cloud PCs you know, whenever there is a personal desktop use case we're seeing.

00:13:24.870 --> 00:13:35.670
Vadim Vladimirskiy: More and more windows 365 usage and then whenever there is a an application kind of a remote APP or a multi session use case then they're definitely taking advantage of that.

00:13:36.990 --> 00:13:44.250
Andy Whiteside: And I think you hit on a key term there with the cloud PC portion of Microsoft where it's basically your own PC managed, possibly by your company.

00:13:45.450 --> 00:13:53.070
Andy Whiteside: there's that you're going to have to have something like into the enterprise manage it, because it's not going to have some tie in back to some old imaging solution.

00:13:54.930 --> 00:14:09.570
Vadim Vladimirskiy: Right exactly it's got to be managed with into the or some other method that can manage it as a physical device rather than a virtualized non persistent type of thing like like abt can can handle yeah.

00:14:10.860 --> 00:14:21.120
Andy Whiteside: Okay, the last there's only three teams media optimizations for MAC os now generally available that just seems weird, but I could see it being useful I.

00:14:22.200 --> 00:14:31.140
Andy Whiteside: i'm using an eye gel Linux thin client right now to run this zoom meeting I can offload it my team doesn't have it turned on but offloading is.

00:14:31.620 --> 00:14:41.130
Andy Whiteside: expecting that the end user compete stuff to work with unified communications on whatever device you're on is just the reality if this stuff's gonna be mainstream.

00:14:42.180 --> 00:14:49.290
Vadim Vladimirskiy: yeah I mean definitely you know you need you need that offloading for just even decent or acceptable performance otherwise.

00:14:49.740 --> 00:14:55.260
Vadim Vladimirskiy: If teams, or any other video conferencing runs within the session, without being offloaded it's.

00:14:55.890 --> 00:15:10.020
Vadim Vladimirskiy: it's it's a little painful to us, so this is definitely a must have functionality prior to this, it was available in windows and Linux SDK which is you know what angellist is taking advantage of.

00:15:10.740 --> 00:15:23.640
Vadim Vladimirskiy: It came out and MAC os and public preview obviously first and now it's now part of the remote desktop client for MAC os and and can now take advantage of the offload so very useful.

00:15:27.090 --> 00:15:29.370
Andy Whiteside: Anything on the nerdy or front that.

00:15:30.570 --> 00:15:33.540
Andy Whiteside: benefits from this other than the fact that it's just part of the overall solution.

00:15:34.530 --> 00:15:43.680
Vadim Vladimirskiy: No nothing, in particular, I mean it's it's part of the overall solution and I think that's one of the kind of key advantages of the way that nerve to integrate with.

00:15:44.070 --> 00:15:57.300
Vadim Vladimirskiy: Add native is that whenever Microsoft innovate and adds this type of functionality, because we are not the replacement control plane we don't have our own agents or clients or anything custom that goes into the stack.

00:15:58.620 --> 00:16:09.060
Vadim Vladimirskiy: Customers get to take advantage of these as soon as they come out from Microsoft so nothing in particular that integrates with that and their video but customers get advantage to use it right away.

00:16:10.140 --> 00:16:18.660
Andy Whiteside: Well i'm glad you brought that up because that was one of the topics I wanted to cover with you were talking about microsoft's iterative development now and how quickly people can consume it now we're going to go over to do and.

00:16:19.260 --> 00:16:32.910
Andy Whiteside: For the release you guys have coming out within a week or so for two I believe you got 24 iterative developments, and you know for customers to be able to turn these on and use them it's just there right, I mean they don't have to do anything special.

00:16:33.870 --> 00:16:41.160
Vadim Vladimirskiy: it's there, I mean a lot of it is kind of net new functionality and the vast majority of this is net new functionality, that they have to.

00:16:41.520 --> 00:16:46.410
Vadim Vladimirskiy: You know, see that the hades there here's how to use it, but at the end they they just need to.

00:16:46.800 --> 00:16:57.960
Vadim Vladimirskiy: update to the new release and all the functionality, is there for them and we generally have a release you know every four to six weeks, and this happens to be a very big one lots of features.

00:16:58.560 --> 00:17:07.950
Vadim Vladimirskiy: That ended up in this particular release and we're certainly not slowing down for the next one, I expect it to be just just a significant.

00:17:08.700 --> 00:17:21.840
Andy Whiteside: Right and in your world you're putting icing on their cake whenever they have stuff that doesn't quite land completely the way it needs to at the same time you're bringing in solutions to problems that they may or may not be addressing and may not even know they have.

00:17:22.620 --> 00:17:23.790
Vadim Vladimirskiy: Right exactly.

00:17:24.690 --> 00:17:36.240
Andy Whiteside: Alright, so let's let's walk through these add per user costing that came up today where you know customer wants solutions that are based on per user whether it's 10 or 1000.

00:17:37.710 --> 00:17:45.780
Vadim Vladimirskiy: Part of your gap, so let let me sort of described and I don't know if we'll have time to go through all of them, plus you know, once this comes out hopefully later this week.

00:17:46.080 --> 00:17:51.720
Vadim Vladimirskiy: we'll have something to talk about that during the next month's episode so maybe i'll point out a few highlights.

00:17:52.050 --> 00:18:01.890
Vadim Vladimirskiy: And then we can delve into the rest of them on on the next episode here, so the first one is you mentioned and the on the list is what we call add per user cost reporting.

00:18:02.580 --> 00:18:11.490
Vadim Vladimirskiy: which basically allows customers to allocate precise costs to individual users right So if you think about add.

00:18:11.790 --> 00:18:22.500
Vadim Vladimirskiy: it's a collection of azure services you got your storage and compute networking and login the Linux and you know if you have no do in the mix, you have Nordea licensing a bunch of stuff.

00:18:22.800 --> 00:18:27.600
Vadim Vladimirskiy: That goes into the mix and different users, use all of that.

00:18:27.990 --> 00:18:34.890
Vadim Vladimirskiy: At a different rate right, you have some users using it a lot logging in for many hours a month on other users logging in for a short amount of time.

00:18:35.160 --> 00:18:44.820
Vadim Vladimirskiy: And there's a great amount of variability so what this will allow customers to do is actually pick a user or users or get all of their user data.

00:18:45.120 --> 00:19:04.110
Vadim Vladimirskiy: and see how much cost is associated with a specific user, so this is really the ultimate cost attribution and chargeback mechanism where you can precisely tell how much of the consumption costs ties back to which is which specific user yeah.

00:19:04.590 --> 00:19:09.480
Andy Whiteside: And then nirvana what we've all wanted in it and cost accounting for.

00:19:10.710 --> 00:19:11.760
Andy Whiteside: Two decades now.

00:19:12.810 --> 00:19:16.620
Andy Whiteside: If people started thinking it was gonna be easy two decades ago and it's still not.

00:19:17.250 --> 00:19:23.280
Vadim Vladimirskiy: yeah it's exactly that, I mean you know when we wanted to cloud people thought hey now its consumption based it's going to be.

00:19:23.700 --> 00:19:27.540
Vadim Vladimirskiy: easier to you know to do charge back and attribution but.

00:19:27.750 --> 00:19:39.540
Vadim Vladimirskiy: You know yeah you can do charge bacon attribution per subscription you know that's pretty easy to do you can sometimes do it for workspace if you properly kind of architected but doing it per user.

00:19:39.780 --> 00:19:44.670
Vadim Vladimirskiy: has been super challenging and and that's really what what we aim to solve with this feature.

00:19:45.510 --> 00:19:58.920
Andy Whiteside: And, in theory, the data has been there it's like doing a rod doing a an uber where you and somebody else getting a car versus doing a rideshare where you and somebody else both schedule a ride, and you share it in both cases there are ways to know what happened.

00:20:00.510 --> 00:20:06.720
Andy Whiteside: it's kind of it gets to that world you know you've got a service and being able to carve out per per person.

00:20:07.290 --> 00:20:08.160
Vadim Vladimirskiy: Right cost.

00:20:08.430 --> 00:20:20.850
Vadim Vladimirskiy: per person, and so it adds up to the 100% of the total no more or less so your accounting for all of the cost and you're fairly allocating against do you know each individual user in your user population.

00:20:21.210 --> 00:20:32.040
Andy Whiteside: Well it's good that you said that, because in the past right we we would add it up, but we will always be conservatively we would round up and next thing you know you're in a charging extra to make sure you didn't under charge.

00:20:32.490 --> 00:20:32.880

00:20:34.470 --> 00:20:45.630
Vadim Vladimirskiy: Exactly, so let me, let me tell you about a couple of other ones, just to highlight, you know, so we were doing a quite a few enhancements to personal hospitals.

00:20:46.500 --> 00:20:57.630
Vadim Vladimirskiy: Where you know personal hospitals, that obviously those that have dedicated vm to each user that logs into that whole school and personal hospitals don't lend themselves to a lot of.

00:20:58.380 --> 00:21:07.500
Vadim Vladimirskiy: kind of automation where the EMS can be created automatically and deleted automatically because they're permanent right they're persistent per user, you can just easily.

00:21:07.800 --> 00:21:17.940
Vadim Vladimirskiy: You know, take them out of the mix, because if users are using them that they need to be there, so we're doing a couple of things one thing we're doing is called toast for personal hospital other grow.

00:21:18.270 --> 00:21:26.250
Vadim Vladimirskiy: And what are the grove will do is it will dynamically expand the size of a personal hospital by adding new session host vm.

00:21:26.790 --> 00:21:34.230
Vadim Vladimirskiy: When the number of available desktop falls below a predefined number or percentage of total vm in the pool.

00:21:34.620 --> 00:21:41.100
Vadim Vladimirskiy: So imagine you have you know you have an environment that's currently at 500 users but it's going to grow to 1000.

00:21:41.460 --> 00:21:47.310
Vadim Vladimirskiy: So you don't create 500 films, because you don't want to create 1000 yes, because the remaining 500 won't be used.

00:21:47.550 --> 00:21:56.250
Vadim Vladimirskiy: So you'll create 500 and then as soon as those get consumed, you need to manually go in and create more create the next step, and the next step, and the next then.

00:21:56.580 --> 00:22:05.610
Vadim Vladimirskiy: And you kind of have to monitor, to make sure you do that, in time, so the vm are not sitting there costing you money, but at the same time, the users are not waiting.

00:22:05.880 --> 00:22:22.230
Vadim Vladimirskiy: For the machine to become available, so this takes all of that manual work out of the mix and as soon as the number of vm falls below threshold it starts adding the EMS to keep you know that conditioned to be true where certain number of vehicles must always be available.

00:22:24.180 --> 00:22:33.120
Vadim Vladimirskiy: And, and if you think about the flip side of it, the shrinking part right so imagine you have a host bowl where the EMS, are no longer used maybe the users.

00:22:33.360 --> 00:22:44.430
Vadim Vladimirskiy: left the organization or they stopped using personal desktop so you have a bunch of em sitting there never being used, but there's really no good way to know, are they being used, or are they not.

00:22:44.850 --> 00:23:03.390
Vadim Vladimirskiy: will have the capability to shrink the pool by identifying idle users who've been idle for long periods of time let's say 30 days 60 days 90 days and then removing those vm from the pool saving costs to the customer and and kind of freeing up those resources yeah.

00:23:03.570 --> 00:23:06.810
Andy Whiteside: Because, at the end of the day that the texts gotta be good, but the money's gotta line up to.

00:23:07.500 --> 00:23:16.440
Vadim Vladimirskiy: that's right that's right, and there are several things like that in you know in this release you know one other feature i'll mention that i'm fairly.

00:23:16.800 --> 00:23:24.360
Vadim Vladimirskiy: excited about is called dynamic resource recommendations and filtering and and this came back from a lot of customer.

00:23:25.320 --> 00:23:29.370
Vadim Vladimirskiy: feedback and requests were there were saying like hey can you recommend.

00:23:29.970 --> 00:23:38.280
Vadim Vladimirskiy: Which vm I should use like you know as her has thousands of vm different you know dozens of vm series and types and.

00:23:38.550 --> 00:23:46.980
Vadim Vladimirskiy: I don't know which one is which I don't know which one is available for me in my subscription how many do I, how many core quotas do I have.

00:23:47.250 --> 00:23:55.080
Vadim Vladimirskiy: You know what region are they available in like it's it's pretty difficult to make the right choice, so people tend to default to the vm.

00:23:55.470 --> 00:23:58.770
Vadim Vladimirskiy: That are always available everywhere, which tend to be the older.

00:23:59.430 --> 00:24:11.970
Vadim Vladimirskiy: The older families and the older versions, so what this does is it actually will take a look at what's available for you in your as your subscription in the selected region.

00:24:12.390 --> 00:24:20.280
Vadim Vladimirskiy: and make a recommendation, based on the latest available version that has sufficient core quota in the region availability.

00:24:20.730 --> 00:24:27.390
Vadim Vladimirskiy: And it will also expose the pricing, so it will say hey if you go with you know with this series vm you're going to save.

00:24:27.690 --> 00:24:35.430
Vadim Vladimirskiy: This much relative to to another series of vm so it it dynamically recommends what you should be using.

00:24:35.730 --> 00:24:49.980
Vadim Vladimirskiy: And this is customizable we have some of the box defaults and then customers can create their own rules and their own filters to limit which vm are available so that other members of the team don't have to make these choices.

00:24:51.960 --> 00:24:55.410
Andy Whiteside: And that is data driven decisions.

00:24:55.950 --> 00:24:56.610
Vadim Vladimirskiy: that's right.

00:24:57.360 --> 00:24:57.840
that's great.

00:24:58.890 --> 00:25:02.490
Andy Whiteside: He i'm very many other highlights, you had 23 of you any.

00:25:02.580 --> 00:25:03.570
Vadim Vladimirskiy: Other ones yeah.

00:25:03.630 --> 00:25:12.930
Vadim Vladimirskiy: want to cover yeah that you know, there are lots of them, you know so so maybe we'll save some for when this launches and and we'll we'll be talking again in the next episode.

00:25:13.650 --> 00:25:19.380
Vadim Vladimirskiy: I guess, let me Let me pick one more number 10 on the list here, this also was a fairly.

00:25:20.250 --> 00:25:34.350
Vadim Vladimirskiy: Frequently requested enhancement and that is the ability to do advanced vm naming patterns, so when creating vm and dynamical schools and in you know multi session hospitals.

00:25:34.650 --> 00:25:46.650
Vadim Vladimirskiy: The AMS come and go, they get created and get deleted as more users login more vm or added and the naming was sort of based on a prefix with a randomly generated suffix.

00:25:46.980 --> 00:25:56.880
Vadim Vladimirskiy: So what we've done is we've extended that with a more advanced naming configuration where you can have any vm format and you can use both sequential.

00:25:58.050 --> 00:26:09.210
Vadim Vladimirskiy: You know variables, as well as a random variables throughout the name of the vm so you can imagine, having you know hosts that 000001002.

00:26:09.720 --> 00:26:23.400
Vadim Vladimirskiy: that's kind of the simpler way to do it, or you can even have you know random characters in addition to sequential character, so this is to support some of the larger and more advanced customer setups that that we are saying yeah.

00:26:23.970 --> 00:26:32.850
Andy Whiteside: This is great hey I have a question for you guys so we'll pause here on the features that will highlight three or four more next month, when we talk about the July.

00:26:32.880 --> 00:26:34.260
Vadim Vladimirskiy: Microsoft releases.

00:26:34.890 --> 00:26:35.700

00:26:37.020 --> 00:26:45.960
Andy Whiteside: The team you guys are doing all these management related things that brings add up to close to being if not on par with other players in the industry.

00:26:47.100 --> 00:27:01.080
Andy Whiteside: The other players have maybe protocol related things, whereas you know we're relying on add with to help us understand where Microsoft is with the modern day RDP they're using an add compared to the other players or how, in your opinion, how close are they.

00:27:02.910 --> 00:27:10.080
Vadim Vladimirskiy: You know, again i'm probably going to have a biased opinion here but, but I think RDP coupled with.

00:27:11.100 --> 00:27:19.080
Vadim Vladimirskiy: Short path right so there's this this new technology RDP short path with streams the desktop over the UDP channel rather than the tcp channel.

00:27:20.400 --> 00:27:27.840
Vadim Vladimirskiy: Really, provides an on par user experience from a performance perspective, you know smooth video.

00:27:28.440 --> 00:27:39.390
Vadim Vladimirskiy: Really kind of seamless remote desktop operation so RDP short path is something that Microsoft released for what they call managed networks of people have like express route.

00:27:39.690 --> 00:27:52.860
Vadim Vladimirskiy: that's been in production or NGA for some time, they now have what they call RDP short path for public networks, which is in preview and what that allows you to do is actually use this feature.

00:27:53.190 --> 00:27:59.820
Vadim Vladimirskiy: On public networks just regular Internet without any special express route or anything like that.

00:28:00.270 --> 00:28:10.680
Vadim Vladimirskiy: And, and I think that kind of bridges another part of the gap between some of the other display protocols that are more advanced and an RDP, so I think it's definitely.

00:28:11.160 --> 00:28:25.020
Vadim Vladimirskiy: Getting there and it's getting there fast, in my opinion, if it isn't already there, I mean there are certainly going to be use cases that each protocol is better at handling the question is, you know of the universe of.

00:28:25.560 --> 00:28:38.070
Vadim Vladimirskiy: end user computing use cases what percentage is that and I think that percentage we're not RDP protocols have advantage over RDP protocols is really shrinking to be some very small number.

00:28:39.510 --> 00:28:44.850
Andy Whiteside: that's great that's exactly what I needed and I had heard a store path we've probably covered it once but.

00:28:45.450 --> 00:29:00.150
Andy Whiteside: I had lost track of it but i'm going to go back and read these articles that are brought up on the screen here it's it's now is that limited to as your virtual desktop environment you're not going to do an RDP connection to your local server over this and have this in player.

00:29:00.180 --> 00:29:13.560
Vadim Vladimirskiy: that's right, this is unique to add, which is again, you know, one of the ways Microsoft is is encouraging adoption of that technology is that it's got all of this new innovation that's being added to it pretty rapidly yeah.

00:29:15.150 --> 00:29:21.150
Andy Whiteside: Well guys This is great, I appreciate you helping me cover these topics and and we will plan to do it again next month.

00:29:22.350 --> 00:29:25.560
Vadim Vladimirskiy: sounds great again thanks for having us it's been fun.

00:29:26.730 --> 00:29:28.740
Andy Whiteside: Greg you got off easy this time you brought into me and.

00:29:30.120 --> 00:29:32.490
Greg groberson@getnerdio.com: I don't know if he knew I was going to be back today or not, but.

00:29:34.020 --> 00:29:36.540
Greg groberson@getnerdio.com: happy to have him do it at least one last time.

00:29:37.680 --> 00:29:42.450
Greg groberson@getnerdio.com: We seem to be doing quite well on the previous one, so we'll just continue that and.

00:29:44.460 --> 00:29:48.300
Andy Whiteside: So, but he will keep you on the invite you show up whenever you want just know the greg's probably gets covered.

00:29:48.990 --> 00:29:53.610
Vadim Vladimirskiy: awesome things Greg thanks Andy good good to see you again and have a good rest of your day.

00:29:54.090 --> 00:29:55.680
Andy Whiteside: Alright guys Thank you take care.